ASU creates
new study abroad program
recently put out a call for faculty exchange with the University
of Angers in France. The Psychology Department responded by joining
the College of Business in creating a program in Angers Management.
From the image of the UofA campus on their web site (shown below),
we can only figure that their first joint project was the steam
pipe sculpture discussed above.

ASU creates
ultimate general studies program with novel dynamic resource allocation
Apparently not
having enough to do, the University is yet again revising its core
curriculum. Courses will all have to have "themes" and
will need to be revalidated frequently. All existing courses will
be discarded and replaced with new courses created in our spare
The most novel
aspect, however, is the Dynamic Registration In Validation of Educational
Listings system. Each semester every course in the catalog will
be initially offered for registration. As the registration period
proceeds, courses not filled will be deleted and the enrolled students
notified to make new choices. Faculty will be fired and hired in
real time by the software to reflect the demands of students, and
the curriculum itself will be revised in real time.
Provost Stan
Shellgameman said that we will be guaranteed to end up with mushy
courses that make little demand on students, but will at least make
the students happy.
apologies to Scott Adams...
ASU to ban
smoking on campus -- new UNC campus to address the problem
In a bold move the administration announced that Appalachian State
will soon ban smoking everywhere on campus. The move was hailed
by all non-smokers (78% of North Carolinians), unhappy with exiting
their smoke-free buildings only to gag on the secondhand smoke of
all the smokers outside the building doors.
Since other
UNC systems are considering similar moves the UNC General Administration
is planning to handle the problem and solve the growing
enrollment problem by creating a new campus -- UNC at Winston-Tastes-Good.
That campus will require smoking of all students, faculty
and staff.
New ID cards
to be provided
March 2nd email announced that we will all have to get new ID cards.
Their new numbers will no longer be your Social Security number,
but a number provided by the Banner System software. Anyone who
has used Banner would surely agree that this has to be much more
reliable and secure...
We will have
to turn in our old cards, which will shortly afterward be for sale
on eBay.
The editor is
especially suspicious because the schedule for getting new cards,
arranged by last name,has a break at "ca" ...
site is not an official voice of Appalachian State University,
but merely a light-hearted look at the news. The people, places,
creatures, corporations, and institutions in this Seen are fictitious:
any resemblance to actual people, places, creatures, corporations,
or institutions is strictly coincidental. No animals, especially
administrators, were harmed in its production.